Reference page for Material



Material Basic isotropic material class.

Materials are normally instantiated with the static methods



Class methods are listed below. Inherited methods are not included.

harmonic-approximation BH-curve (eq. (47) in Arkkio's thesis)

Material/this.add_domain(arguments) is a function.

this = add_domain(this, domain)

this.clear_copy(arguments) New independent copy of the material.

this.create(arguments) Create material

mat = Material.*create*(material_object)

Return a clear_copy of material_object.

mat = Material.*create*(matid)

Create a material from library, see get_defaultMaterial

mat = Material.*create*()

Create an empty Material object.

this.detach(arguments) Clear elements, domains, etc.

this.differential_reluctivity(arguments) Return reluctivity and its derivative.

[nu, dnu] = differential_reluctivity(this. Bvector, true)

Return reluctivity and its derivative w.r.t. B^2 computed with the harmonic approximation

[H, dHdB] = differential_reluctivity(this, Bvector)

Return magnetic field strength vector and the differential reluctivity tensor. Only works in 2D.

this.fit_Langevin1(arguments) Process BH data with Langevin approach.


Process given BH data (this.B, this.H). Given data range is used as such. Extrapolation to higher flux densities is performed by fitting the single Langevin function to the data, and using it for extrapolation.

fit_Langevin1(this, 'monotonicity_factor', c)

Additional improve the reluctivity-monotonicity of the given data with the following approach:

1. Compute nu = H / B

2. Make nu monotonic.

3. Compute H_monotonic = nu * B

4. Replace H := (1-c)*H_original + c*H_monotonic.

5. Proceeed as earlier.

Even a small monotonicity factor can often improve the convergence of nonlinear problems.

NOTE: Original BH data is not modified.

this.from_specs(arguments) Create material from specs.

Call syntax:

mat = Material.*from_specs*('name', name, 'B', B_curve_vector, 'H', H_curve_vector, 'property_name_1', value_1, ...)

this.init_for_problem(arguments) Initialize object for problem.

Normally, this method does very little apart from determining the stacking factors. It could be used to initialize hysteresis models or similar in subclasses on Material, though.

this.initialize_material_data(arguments) Calculate reluctivities etc.

Compute reluctivities and extrapolate BH data.

Reluctivity data as a function of B^2 is saved to

this.iron_loss_density_time_domain_Steinmetz(arguments) Iron loss density from modified Steinmetz

model, in W/kg.

[physt, peddy] = ... iron_loss_density_time_domain_Steinmetz(this, timestamps, Bx, By)

physt = hysteresis loss density = ch * (Bx^a * dBx/dt^b + By^a * dBy/dt^b

where a=b=1 by default, if not given in this.material_properties.steinmetz_exponents = 1x2 vector

peddy = eddy loss density = ce * ( (dBx/dt)^2 + (dBy/dt)^2 )

this.plot_BH(arguments) Plot BH curves etc.

Material.this.process_BH(arguments) is a function.

[Bnu, Bdnu] = process_BH(BH, varargin)

this.raw_reluctivity(arguments) Evaluate (non-differential) reluctivity.

nu = raw_reluctivity(this, B2)

this.save_to_excel(arguments) Save material specs to Excel.

Material/this.shift_elements(arguments) is a function.

this = shift_elements(this, Ne)

Material/this.thermal_conductivity(arguments) is a function.

l = thermal_conductivity(this)