Reference page for MeshBase



MeshBase base class for mesh objects.

Has the following properties: p = nodal coordinates as a 2xNp array t = elements as a 3xNe array edges = ordered edges as a 2xNedges array, with edges(1,k)<edges(2,k) t2e = 3xNe incidence array: listing the 3 edges belonging to each element e2t = 2xNedges incidence array: from edges to elements. Second is zero for boundary edges matel = element material indices (defaults to zero)

namedNodes = SLContainer of named nodes (optional) namedElements = SLContainer of named elements (optional) namedEdges = SLContainer of named edges (optional)

info = a general SLContainer for key-value pairs.

(c) 2017 Antti Lehikoinen / Aalto University Documentation for MeshBase doc MeshBase



Class methods are listed below. Inherited methods are not included.

this = MeshBase(arguments) base class for mesh objects.

Has the following properties: p = nodal coordinates as a 2xNp array t = elements as a 3xNe array edges = ordered edges as a 2xNedges array, with edges(1,k)<edges(2,k) t2e = 3xNe incidence array: listing the 3 edges belonging to each element e2t = 2xNedges incidence array: from edges to elements. Second is zero for boundary edges matel = element material indices (defaults to zero)

namedNodes = SLContainer of named nodes (optional) namedElements = SLContainer of named elements (optional) namedEdges = SLContainer of named edges (optional)

info = a general SLContainer for key-value pairs.

(c) 2017 Antti Lehikoinen / Aalto University

this.copy(arguments) A deep copy.

msh.*copy*() returns a deep copy. msh.*copy*(msh2) copies the data from msh to msh2. Mainly used in subclasses of MeshBase.

(c) 2017 Antti Lehikoinen

automatic determination of Dirichlet nodes

MeshBase/this.split_edges(arguments) is a function.

msh = split_edges(msh, edges)