Reference page for CircuitBase



CircuitBase Abstract base class for finite-element Circuits.

Use one of the subclasses to instantiate an object. Common examples include

Use the add_conductor method to add conductors to this. Documentation for CircuitBase doc CircuitBase



Class methods are listed below. Inherited methods are not included.

this = CircuitBase(arguments) Abstract base class for finite-element Circuits.

Use one of the subclasses to instantiate an object. Common examples include

Use the add_conductor method to add conductors to this.

this.add_conductor(arguments) Add conductor to circuit.

this = add_conductor(this, conductor, (type))

Adds the Domain or Conductor object conductor to this Circuit. If conductor is a Domain, a new Conductor object is created.

Type is an optional arguments, either def.solid for a solid conductor (default) or defs.stranded for stranded.

half_of_turn_length Return effective length.

this.filling_factor(arguments) Conductor filling factor.

this.get_matrices(arguments) Return FE-and circuit matrices.

[S, M, Sac, Mac, Sca, Mca, Scc, Mcc] = get_matrices(this, problem, type), where

this.get_ndof(arguments) Number of dofs associated with the circuit, for the given

problem and type.

Nui = get_ndof(this, problem, type, pars), where

this.half_of_turn_length(arguments) Return half of turn length.

Usually equal to this.effective_length, unless an end-winding is modelled.

this.handle_latest_copies(arguments) Object array method.

When called on an array of Circuit objects, this method calls the handle_latest_copies method on each individual Circuit.

this.handle_latest_copies1(arguments) Method for handling geometry


This method is called any time the elementary geometry is replicated for a new sector/segment. By default, the latest copies of the Domains associated with this circuit are added as new Conductors.

This method works for a single Circuit object only, i.e. it cannot be called on an object array. See this.handle_latest_copies

this.init(arguments) Init circuit for problem.

c = init(this, problem)

Returns: c : Circuit-like object *init*ialized for the problem. Typically a handle to this.

this.init_for_simulation(arguments) Init Circuit for simulation.

init_for_simulation(this, problem, type, pars)

this.set_load(arguments) Increment load vector of FE problem.

F = set_load(this, F, type, varargin)

Add to load-contribution from this to F.

CircuitBase/this.set_parent(arguments) is a function.

set_parent(this, parent)