Reference page for Domain



Domain Domain class.

In EMDtool, a 'Domain' represents all aspects of some interesting part of an electric machine or electromagnetic problem. Thus, a domain has


this = Domain(domain_name, material_object)

this = Domain(domain_name, material_object, surface_1, surface_2, ...)

Surfaces can be added with this.add_surface Documentation for Domain doc Domain



Class methods are listed below. Inherited methods are not included.

this = Domain(arguments) this = Domain(arguments) class.

In EMDtool, a '*Domain*' represents all aspects of some interesting part of an electric machine or electromagnetic problem. Thus, a domain has


this = Domain(domain_name, material_object)

this = Domain(domain_name, material_object, surface_1, surface_2, ...)

Surfaces can be added with this.add_surface

this.add_surface(arguments) Add one or more Surfaces to this.

this.add_volume(arguments) Add one or more volumes to this.

AREA Filled this.area(arguments) 2-D plot.

AREA(Y) plots the vector Y or plots each column in matrix Y as a separate curve and stacks the curves. The x-axis automatically scales to 1:size(Y,1). The values in Y can be numeric or duration values.

AREA(X,Y) plots Y versus X and fills the area between 0 and Y. The values in X can be numeric, datetime, duration or categorical values.

If Y is a vector, then specify X as a vector of increasing values with length equal to Y. If the values in X are not increasing, then AREA sorts the values before plotting.

If Y is a matrix, then specify X as a vector of increasing values with length equal to the number of rows in Y. AREA plots the columns of Y as filled *area*s. For each X, the net result is the sum of corresponding values from the rows of Y. You also can specify X as a matrix with size equal to Y. To avoid unexpected output when X is a matrix, specify X so that the columns repeat.

AREA( _ ,BASEVALUE) specifies the base value for the area fill. The default BASEVALUE is 0. Specify the base value as a numeric value.

AREA( _ ,Name,Value) modifies the appearance of the area chart using one or more name-value pair arguments.

AREA(AX, _ ) plots into the axes specified by AX instead of the current axes.

H = AREA( _ ) returns one or more Area objects. AREA creates one object for vector input arguments and one object per column for matrix input arguments.

See also PLOT, BAR.

this.copy(arguments) Deep this.copy(arguments) of this.

this.copy_root(arguments) Original ancestor in replication chain

this.last_copy(arguments) Latest domain in replication chain

Domain/this.mass(arguments) is a function.

m = mass(this)

this.plot(arguments) Plot all surfaces in 2D.

this.plot3(arguments) Plot all surfaces in 3D.