API reference
- class emdtool : emdtool Main EMDtool utility class.
FE Functionality
Folder with the following files / classes / subfolders:
- class Elements : {
- function contents : Folder with the following files / classes / subfolders:
- function mappingTerms : .
- function contents : Folder with the following files / classes / subfolders:
- class IDfun : IDfun is a class.
- class Nedelec2D : Nedelec2D class for 2D Nedelec shape functions.
- class /Elements and Shape Functions/Nodal Elements/Nodal2D : Nodal2D Lagrange (nodal) shape function in 2D.
- function contents : Folder with the following files / classes / subfolders:
- class Operators : {
- class /Matrix Assembly/MagneticsJacobian : MagneticsJacobian methods:
- function FEdotProduct : dotProduct vectorized dot product for FE matrix assembly.
- function assemble_TotalMasterSlaveMatrix : elimination matrix for master-slave
- function contents : Folder with the following files / classes / subfolders:
- function crossProduct : Cross product in 2D or 3D.
- function dotProduct : vectorized dot product.
- function get_1DQuadPoints : internal_getQuadPoints returns 1D Gaussian quadrature points;
- function get_1DQuadPoints_10 : Quadrature points for [0,1]
- function get_2DtriangleIntegrationPoints : Gaussian quadrature points and weights.
- function get_AssemblyParameters : is a function.
- function matrixDeterminant : 3D Matrix determinant (3x3).
- function matrixTimesVector : is a function.
- function sparseAdd : add entries to the sparse matrix struct.
- function sparseFinalize : assemble sparse matrix from sparse struct.
- function sparsediag : sparse diagonal matrix.
- class /Matrix Assembly/MatrixConstructor : MatrixConstructor Constructor for FE matrices.
- class BoundaryMatrixConstructor : BoundaryMatrixConstructor is a class.
- class MatrixConstructorBase : MatrixConstructorBase is a class.
- class MatrixConstructor_nonConforming : MatrixConstructor_nonConforming is a class.
- class /Mesh/Boundary : Boundary Base class for boundaries.
- function contents : Folder with the following files / classes / subfolders:
- class /Mesh/DirichletBoundary : DirichletBoundary methods:
- class /Mesh/PeriodicBoundary : PeriodicBoundary methods:
- class /Mesh/Airgap mesh/LinearSlidingAirgap : LinearSlidingAirgap Airgap class for sliced AFM models.
- function contents : Folder with the following files / classes / subfolders:
- function singleLayerAGtriangulation_2 : singleLayerAGtriangulation Single-layer air-gap triangulation.
- function singleLayerAGtriangulation_2nd : singleLayerAGtriangulation Single-layer air-gap triangulation.
- class /Mesh/Airgap mesh/SlidingAirgap : SlidingAirgap methods:
- class /Mesh/Airgap mesh/SlidingAirgapBase : SlidingAirgapBase methods:
- class Airgap : Airgap Base class for airgap geometries.
- class MeshView : MeshView is a class.
- class /Mesh/Meshes_3D/TetMesh : TetMesh minimal mesh of 3D tetrahedrons.
- function contents : Folder with the following files / classes / subfolders:
- function get_PrismIntegrationPoints : Quadrature points for a unit prism.
- class ExtrudedPrismMesh : ExtrudedMachineMesh A base class for a MachineMesh extruded into 3D.
- class MeshBase3D : MeshBase3D a base class for a 3D mesh.
- class Nodal3D : Nodal3D is a class.
- class Nodal3D_extruded : Nodal3D_extruded is a class.
- class PrismMeshBase3D : PrismMeshBase3D A base class for a 3D mesh with prismatic elements.
- class /Mesh/Other meshes/SimpleMesh : SimpleMesh Basic mesh class.
- function contents : Folder with the following files / classes / subfolders:
- function getEdges : returns the edge definition.
- function order_t2e : orders the triangles-to-edges matrix.
- class MeshBase : MeshBase base class for mesh objects.
- class RotatedMeshView : RotatedMeshView is a class.
Folder with the following files / classes / subfolders:
- class Geometry/Domain : Domain Domain class.
- function contents : Folder with the following files / classes / subfolders:
- class GeoBase : GeoBase Base class for geometries.
- class LaminatedDomain : LaminatedDomain methods:
- class Surface : SURFACE Class for representing elementary surfaces.
- class / representation/Curve : CURVE Class for representing line segments and circle arcs
- function Arc : Auxiliary unction for creating a circle arc.
- function Line : - Create primitive line
- function Origin : Create a Point at origin.
- function contents : Folder with the following files / classes / subfolders:
- class / representation/geo : enumeration
- class / representation/gw : gw methods:
- class Point : POINT Class for representing points in a geometry.
- class AxialGeometry : AxialGeometry is a class.
- function contents : Folder with the following files / classes / subfolders:
- class RadialGeometry : RadialGeometry Base class for radial geometries.
Folder with the following files / classes / subfolders:
- class Materials/Material : Material Basic isotropic material class.
- function contents : Folder with the following files / classes / subfolders:
- function skindepth : Skin depth of material.
- class MaterialBase : MaterialBase Base class for materials.
- class MaterialSet : MaterialSet Container class.
- class Arnon7 : Arnon7 Arnon7 Material object.
- function Arnon5 : Construct material object
- function M250_35A : Construct M250-35A material object
- function NO12 : Construct material object
- function NO20 : Construct material object
- function Somaloy_HR700_3p : Somaloy material object.
- function Vacodur49 : Create material object.
- function contents : Folder with the following files / classes / subfolders:
- function get_defaultMaterials : Returns the BH curve for old built-in materials
- function get_materialData : Get material data struct.
- class PMlibrary : PMlibrary Static class for creating permanent-magnet Material objects.
- class deprecated_Vacodur49 : Vacodur49 Vacodur49 Material object.
Folder with the following files / classes / subfolders:
- class Problems/Magnetics/MagneticsProblem : MagneticsProblem Class for solving magnetics problems.
- function contents : Folder with the following files / classes / subfolders:
- function contents : Folder with the following files / classes / subfolders:
- class HarmonicSolution : HarmonicSolution is a class.
- class MagneticsSolution : MagneticsSolution Class for representing solution to MagneticsProblem.
- class SimulationParameters : SimulationParameters Parameters for MagneticsProblem solutions.
- class StaticSolution : StaticSolution is a class.
- class SteppingSolution : SteppingSolution is a class.
Folder with the following files / classes / subfolders:
- class Templates/AFmodel : only types given?
- function contents : Folder with the following files / classes / subfolders:
- class LinearGeoBase : LinearGeoBase methods:
- class RFmodel : RFmodel Simple class for radial-flux machines.
- class /Rotors/BreadloafRotor : BreadloafRotor methods:
- function contents : Folder with the following files / classes / subfolders:
- class /Rotors/HSIPM1 : HSIPM1 methods:
- class /Rotors/LinearSPM : LinearSPM methods:
- class /Rotors/MassivePM : MassivePM methods:
- class /Rotors/PoledIPM1 : PoledIPM1 methods:
- class /Rotors/SPM1 : SPM1 Template for a surface-PM rotor.
- class /Rotors/SRMRotor1 : SRMRotor1 methods:
- class /Rotors/ShieldedSPM : ShieldedSPM methods:
- class /Rotors/SlottedRotor1 : SlottedRotor1 methods:
- class /Rotors/SpokeRotor1 : default dimensions
- class /Rotors/VIPM1 : VIPM1 V-shape IPM rotor.
- class SlottedRotorBase : SlottedRotorBase Base class for slotted radial-flux rotors.
- class SynRotorBase : SynRotorBase Base class for synchronous machine rotors.
- class /Stators/FormWound1 : FormWound1 methods:
- function contents : Folder with the following files / classes / subfolders:
- class /Stators/LinearStator : LinearStator methods:
- class /Stators/OutrunnerFrame : OutrunnerFrame methods:
- class /Stators/PCBStator : PCBStator methods:
- class /Stators/SlotlessStator : Stator General-purpose stator class for slotted stators.
- class /Stators/Standard : Standard methods:
- class /Stators/Stator : Stator General-purpose stator class for symmetric slotted stators.
- class /Stators/YASAStator : YASAStator Axial yokeless stator.
- class StatorBase : StatorBase Base class for radial-flux stators.
Windings and Circuits
- class /Circuit Analysis/ConcentratedWindingSpec : ConcentratedWindingSpec methods:
- function calculate_winding_characteristics : calculate_shortest_phase_belt Calculates some key numbers.
- function calculate_winding_factor : Winding factor calculation.
- function dq : -transformation of instantaneous polyphase variables.
- function phase_angles : Phase angles of a polyphase system.
- function phase_colors : Phase colors for drawing.
- function stator_winding_angle : Compute stator winding angle.
- function winding_angle : Return winding angle.
- function xy : -transformation of dq-variables.
- class /Circuit Analysis/DistributedWindingSpec : DistributedWindingSpec Winding specification class for distributed
- class /Circuit Analysis/ParkClarke : ParkClarke Class for handling generalized Park-Clarke and inverse
- class /Circuit Analysis/PolyphaseWindingSpec : PolyphaseWindingSpec Winding specification class.
- class /Circuit Analysis/WindingLayout : WindingLayout Factory class for winding layout matrices.
- class /FE Circuits/Circuit : Circuit Simple base class for circuits modelled with the AVI
- function compute_SolidConductorLosses : Compute losses in solid conductor.
- class /FE Circuits/ExtrudedBlockCircuit : ExtrudedBlockCircuit methods:
- class /FE Circuits/LaminatedCircuit : LaminatedCircuit Class for modelling classical eddy currents in
- class /FE Circuits/PolyphaseCircuit : PolyphaseCircuit Class for finite-element representation of polyphase
- class BlockCircuit : BlockCircuit is a class.
- class CageCircuit : CageCircuit is a class.
- class CircuitBase : CircuitBase Abstract base class for finite-element Circuits.
- class CircuitSet : CircuitSet Class for handling operations on several circuits.
- class Circuits : Circuits is a class.
- class /FE Circuits/Conductors/SolidConductor : SolidConductor methods:
- function contents : Folder with the following files / classes / subfolders:
- class /FE Circuits/Conductors/SplitConductor : SplitConductor methods:
- class /FE Circuits/Conductors/StrandedConductor : StrandedConductor methods:
- class Conductor : Conductor Base class for conductors.
- class SheetCircuit : SheetCircuit is a class.
- class /FE Circuits/Sources/SinusoidalModulator : SinusoidalModulator methods:
- class /FE Circuits/Sources/VoltageSource : VoltageSource methods:
- class /Winding layouts/HollowConductorLayout : HollowConductorLayout methods:
- class /Winding layouts/RectangularLayout : RectangularLayout methods:
- class /Winding layouts/UniformLayout : UniformLayout Layout specification for non-specified layouts:
- class /Winding layouts/WindingLayoutBase : WindingLayoutBase Base class for winding layouts.
Folder with the following files / classes / subfolders:
- class defs : defs is a class.
- class emdconstants : emdconstants is a class.
Folder with the following files / classes / subfolders:
- class to_be_relocated/AFmodel2 : AFmodel2 methods:
- function contents : Folder with the following files / classes / subfolders:
- function order_edges : orders edges.
- class AirgapContainer : AirgapContainer Container class for one or more airgap models.
- class GeoHelper : GeoHelper methods:
- class GeoParser : GeoParser methods:
- class GeometryReplicator : GeometryReplicator methods:
- class MotorModelBase : MotorModelBase Base class for magnetics models.
- class RFmodel2 : RFmodel2 methods:
- class dxfreader : dxfreader methods:
- class /Geometry3D/EdgeBoundaryMatrix : EdgeBoundaryMatrix methods:
- function assemble_current_source_vector_3D : parsing
- function element_centers : Mass centers of given elements.
- function get_3DtetIntegrationPoints : Quadrature data for tetrahedron
- class /Geometry3D/LinearAVSolver : LinearAVSolver methods:
- class /Geometry3D/NodalBoundaryMatrix : NodalBoundaryMatrix methods:
- class /Geometry3D/OctTree : OctTree methods:
- class /Geometry3D/PointData : PointData methods:
- class /Geometry3D/gw3D : gw3D methods:
- class /Geometry3D/Geometry extrusion/AxialGeometryExtruder : AxialGeometryExtruder methods:
- class /Geometry3D/Geometry extrusion/GeometryExtruder : GeometryExtruder methods:
- class /Geometry3D/Geometry extrusion/GlueDomain : GlueDomain methods:
- class /Geometry3D/Geometry extrusion/RadialGeometryExtruder : RadialGeometryExtruder methods:
- class Nedelec3D : Nedelec3D class for 3D Nedelec shape functions.
- class /Geometry3D/Objects_3D/eCurve : eCurve methods:
- class /Geometry3D/Objects_3D/eObject : eObject methods:
- class /Geometry3D/Objects_3D/ePoint : ePoint methods:
- class /Geometry3D/Objects_3D/eSurface : eSurface methods:
- class /Geometry3D/Objects_3D/eVolume : eVolume methods:
- class /Mechanical analysis/MechMesh : MechMesh methods:
- function contents : Folder with the following files / classes / subfolders:
- class /Mechanical analysis/MechUtil : MechUtil methods:
- class /Mechanical analysis/ShellEdge : ShellEdge methods:
- class Nodal2D_Quad : Nodal2D_Quad is a class.
- class NodalBase : NodalBase is a class.
- class Quad : Quad - (Not recommended) Numerically evaluate integral, adaptive Simpson quadrature
- class SimpleMesh2 : SimpleMesh2 is a class.
Miscellaneous utilities classes and functions.
- class HashMap : HashMap is a class.
- function angleDifference : signed difference between angles
- function colnorm : Column-wise norm.
- function contents : Folder with the following files / classes / subfolders:
- function getCurrentTask : c = struct('ID', randi(2^52));
- function getID : return unique ID number.
- function iscw : is a function.
- function knnsearch : is a function.
- function logfile : is a function.
- function parse_defaults : is a function.
- function parse_kwargs : Parse name-value argument pairs into a struct.
- function parse_valid_field_name : Parse struct-field-valid name out of string.
- function plotcontour : is a function.
- function plotcontour3 : is a function.
- function prc : is a function.
- function rms : is a function.
- function rolldiff : Rolling differentiation
- function smerge : Merge two structs.
- function ssave : is a function.
- function stfun : Apply function to each structure in an array of structures.
- function toColumn : guess what.
- function toRow : converts vector to row-vector.
- function writedxf :
- function zeropadcat : is a function.
- class Indexable : Indexable is a class.
- class SLContainer : SLContainer A SMEKlib container class for key-value pairs.